詳細(英語:Cebu Island)は、フィリピンの中部ビサヤ諸島の島で、南北に225kmに渡って広がる細く大きな島である。面積は4422km2。周囲はマクタン島、半タヤン島、マラージャンパースカート島、オランダと島など小さな島々に囲まれている。
マクタン島は景色が風通しが良く、一般的に言ってセブリゾートはここマクタン島を指している場合が多く、外国人移住者も多い。 1521年マゼラン上陸スペインの統治が開始とともに、フィリピンを世界史の舞台に導くきっかけとなった。支配者たちは宗教、食文化をはじめとする生活スタイルや建築様式に至るまで大きな影響を及ぼして、フィリピン全域に浸透させていった。セブ市は、まず、スペインの植民地となった植民都市であり、その名残である建築物と遺跡があちこちに残っている。セブ市は現在、フィリピンの起源でもある。また、昔の大きな市場カルボン市場があるほか、観光客相手の巨大ショッピングモールやリゾートホテルセブ市とマクタン島に多くのものがある。
Cebu Island is an island in the central Bissay Islands in the Philippines and is a large and elongated island stretching for 225 km north and south. The area is 4422km2. The surrounding area is surrounded by small islands such as Mactan Island, Van Thanh Island, Marapasuka Island, and Orang Island.
To the east, along the Kamothese Sea and the Kamothese Islands, the Leyte Island and the Bohol Channel, between the Strait of Tachen on the west of Bohol Island, and the north of the island of Shikihoru on the south of Negros Island.
The entire island and its islands are located in central Cebu on the east coast of Cebu Island, with a population of 720,000, including six cities including Cebu and Mandaue, and the metropolitan subway, Cebu, following the Manila metropolitan area (Metro Manila) . The province has a total population of 3,356,137 (surveyed in 2000), of which 3 million live on Cebu Island. Most people speak Cebuano, which has become the common language of the Viseya system [1].
Mactan Island is well-ventilated, and generally speaking, Cebu is often referred to here as Mactan Island. Landing of Magellan in 1521 With the beginning of Spanish rule, it became the opportunity to lead the Philippines to the stage of world history. The rulers have had a profound impact on religion, food culture, lifestyle and architecture, and have penetrated throughout the Philippines. Cebu City is a colonial city that first became a colony of Spain, and its remains of architecture and heritage remain in many places. Cebu City is also the current Philippines origin. In addition to the old market market, there is a huge shopping mall and resort hotel in Cebu and Mactan Island.
マゼランは、詳細の大名ラジャ夫馬本を説得、スペイン王カール5世への忠誠を誓った。スペインドミニコ会修道士が同乗していたもので、この航海は、フィリピンのクリスチャン宣教の最初の波となった。 4月14日マゼランは、大きな木製の十字架を詳細海岸に立て400人の詳細人が洗礼を受けた。詳細の王と王妃も洗礼、スペイン王夫婦に敬意を表し、それぞれカルロスとジュニという洗礼名を受けた。後の詳細の守護聖人になる若いイエスの上サント・ニーニョ賞、スペイン側と詳細側平和の証拠として王妃に伝達された。
詳細のミッションと同盟の成功に勇気をマゼランは横のマクタン島と海峡を渡った。マクタンにはイスラム教徒永住(争い)ラプラプイていた。 4月27日、両者の間に戦闘が行われマゼランは戦死負荷は島の住民に追い出された。歴史年表作家アントニオ血がペタウン負荷が香料と宝石を島に差し出そもマゼランの遺体は取り戻すことができなかった書く。後ラプラプは、フィリピンの侵略に対する抵抗の象徴が、現在は、マクタン島にマゼランの布教を帯びた記念碑とラプラプの戦いを称えた記念碑が並んで建っている。
マゼランの詳細到着後44年後、1565年の征服者(征服者)ミゲル・ロペス・デレガスピは500人の武装した兵士と性オーガスタチノ会とフランシスコの修道士を連れてマリアナ諸島とビサヤ諸島の各島を経て詳細に到着、スペイン王の王冠の下の島の支配を進めると宣言した。レガスピはラジャ夫馬本王の息子ラジャトゥパス王の要塞を砲撃ス久保村を破壊した。彼らは後に村を再建し、名前を変更ヴィラデルサンティ下・ノンブレデヘスス(Villa del Santisimo Nombre deJesúsイエスの最も聖なる名の村)で、教会や大学を建設した。 1569年この町は、スペイン議会(SpanishCortés)によって、フィリピンに設立された最初の集落となった。レガスピの負荷はさらに兵士を率いてマニラを強打し、これを征服した。
3世紀後、1898年6月12日、スペインの支配は倒れ独立宣言されたが、ずっと米国の侵入によって再び植民地支配が続いた。 1901年の詳細村(municipality)に1937年2月24日都市(chartered city)となった。
太平洋戦争中の1942年4月、日本軍が詳細に上陸した。日本軍占領時代、フィリピンで最も人口が密集した詳細は、重要な物資補給ポイント・軍事拠点となっていた。 1945年3月に占領3年後に米軍が上陸。日本軍はレイテ島で後退してきた部隊を含む従事したが、兵力と武装に落ち、セブ市は、米軍に奪還された。制海権を握った日本軍は、他の島に退去を放棄山岳部にこもって、住民によるゲリラ軍の間でゲリラ戦を続けて終戦を迎え多数が降伏した。
前後セブ島は観光地としてアメリカ人と日本人でにぎわった。また、フィリピンで多くの外資系企業が進出した。 1970年代から1980年代にかけての政治不安と共産ゲリラ活動の時代ゲリラが隠れている山少し詳細は比較的安全な場所に進出対象に選定した。人口は増加の一途を辿っていたが、一方で貧困層も周辺の島で流入している。
Cebu Island is surrounded by a strait on both sides of a shallow island. The small island facing the eastern coast of the island is the Resort Mactan Island, with international airports, economic zones, hotels, shopping centers, and beautiful beaches and diving. On the north side of the island is the island of Van Tayan, and the island of Danvan Tayan. Surrounded by a myriad of beautiful and beautiful islands, among which are the destinations of tourists seeking uninhabited adventures such as the Orango Atoll.
Detail The marble plateau and coastal plains form a typical tropical island landscape. Also, a crowd of steep hills and steep mountain ranges end the island from north to south. The mountains are 1,000 meters high, but the forests covering them are inadequate. The large plains are visible in the north of the island and around Cebu City.
In order to attract more tourist and industrial investment, the state has no intention of improving infrastructure. In particular, the island of Mactan is connected by two bridges to Cebu and Mactan Mandau Bridge and Marcelo Fernan Bridge, but in this simple action, the third bridge is being built or a submarine tunnel is being created or discussed. But they all lack financial support.
See also "Cebu # History" and "Philippine History"
Before its arrival in Spain, Cebu (called Zubu or Sugai in the Bisaya at the time) flourished as a base of trade with Ming, Sharm Arabia and Malaysia.
Magellan's Voyage
Spanish native Aboriginal
See "Ferdinand Magellan"
On March 16, 1521, Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan arrived at Cebu Island. He was named after the king of Spain, and during the expedition he traveled to the Maluku Islands, famous in Europe, for the purpose of exploring whether it could expand the territory of eastern Spain by investigating the actual conditions of the island. Magellan's Malay slave Enrique said he could barely speak after landing. Magellan once visited as a sailor and realized that returning to the Malay language had rounded the world.
Magellan persuaded Raja Humabon, Lord of Cebu, and vowed allegiance to the Spanish king Charles V. It was the first Dominican mission of the Spanish mission, which was the first wave of Christian missions in the Philippines. On April 14, Magellan built a large wooden cross on the shore of Cebu, where more than 400 people were baptized. The king and queen of Cebu also baptized and paid homage to the Spanish kings and received the baptism of Carlos and Junhei respectively. The son of Santo Nino, the young son of Hussite, who was to be the patron saint of Hussite, was delivered to the queen by the Spanish side and the evidence of Cebu side peace.
Courage to success in missions and alliances in Cebu Magellan crossed the Straits of Mactan Island by the side. There was a Muslim lord (Dauntu) Lapurafu in Mactan. On April 27, a battle took place between the two, and Magellan was fired by the islanders. Historian Chronicle writer Antonio Pigapeta writes that his men could not retrieve Magellan's remains even if they had spilled spices and jewels on the island. Furapurapu is a symbol of resistance to the invasion of the Philippines, and now stands on the island of Mactan alongside a monument to the Magellanic monument and a battle of Lapurafu.
One of Magellan's men, Juan Sebastián El Kano, took command and burned down the damaged Concepcion, two of which returned to Spain. They were the first to travel around the world for the first time as they took the route eastbound to the westbound route when they came to Cebu.
Spanish conquest and colonial period
Cebu City in the 19th century
The survivors of the Magellan fleet reported the value of paradise in the east after returning to Spain. After a while, the explorer sent on the voyage, but all failed.
Forty-four years after the arrival of Magellan's details, the conqueror (conqueror) Miguel Lopez de Legaspi took 500 armed soldiers, the Order of Augustus and Franciscan monks to arrive at Cebu through the islands of the Mariana Islands and the Visayas Islands , Proclaiming the reign of the island under the crown of the Spanish king. The legazines bombarded the fortress of Raja Tupas, son of King Rajahumabong, and destroyed the town of Sugo. They later rebuilt and renovated the town and built churches and universities in Villa del Santissimo Nombre de Jesús, the most holy name of Jesus. In 1569 the town became the first settlement established in the Philippines by the Spanish Council (Spanish Cortés). Legaspi's men led the soldiers further and struck Manila and conquered them.
August 14, 1571 Cebu (Villa del Santissimo, Nonbred Heus) became an independent bishop from the diocese of Manila. After Legaspi moved headquarters to a new settlement in Manila that same year, he turned his back on Cebu, hired a garrison and a branch, managed the town, and half of the soldiers left it in Cebu. Since then, prosperity has continued as a colonial city in Spain.
Three centuries later, on June 12, 1898, Spain's domination collapsed and independence was proclaimed, but colonial rule followed again by the invasion of the United States. It became a chartered city on February 24, 1937, as municipality in 1901.
Philippine Trade between the 15th and 19th Century
See "Manila Galleon"
Under the Spanish rule, trade was prevalent as a transportation base for silver and Southeast Asia imported from Mexico and products from China to Latin America.
Philippine Manila Galleon, a large Philippine-made sailing boat, was being built a lot.
World War II
In April 1942 during the Pacific War, the Japanese army landed in Cebu. During the Japanese occupation, Cebu, which is the most populous in the Philippines, became an important supply point and military base. US Army landed three years after occupation in March 1945. The Japanese army, including the troops that had retreated from the Leyte Island, fell into force and armament, and Cebu City was recaptured by the US Army. The Japanese army retained the right of interdiction, leaving the retreat to the other islands. The guerrilla war was continued among the guerrilla troops by the inhabitants.
After World War II
After the war, Cebu Island became a tourist destination with American and Japanese people. In addition, many foreign companies have entered the Philippines. Political anxiety from the 1970s to the 1980s and the days when guerrillas were hiding in the days of communist guerrillas were selected for entry into a relatively safe place. The population is on the rise, but on the other hand, the poor are coming from the surrounding islands.
Cebu City of Cebu
Cebu's economy is centered on a variety of customized and small-scale commerce in the tourism industry, such as traditional beach resorts and entertainment (casinos professional boxing) shopping, but recently [when?] Cebu City is the capital of the Philippine furniture industry Respectively. The Ministry of Trade and Industry of Cebu is concentrating on fostering SMEs such as furniture making products that can withstand exports. Because the forest is exposed to the surface of the lost mountain, it relies on imports from other islands and overseas, rather than wood, which is the raw material of the furniture. In addition, the MTR has no intention of attracting two industries.
In addition to furniture manufacturing, Cebu City is becoming an IT city in the central part of the Philippines in the IT / software industry. The company is headquartered in Cebu, with software production and outsourcing, and serves as a call center for businesses in the US and elsewhere. Cebu City is implementing policies to become a hub of software and electronic services in Southeast Asia with the goal of growth in the field of information and communications.
香港、中国の移民の人口については、6.4%がその他の人種93.6パーセントです。 [4]隣接する広東省は、[5]主に起源であり、香港の広東語話者の大多数は、[英国の植民地だった香港で1960を介して1930年代から中国本土における戦争と共産主義から脱出人々であります6] [7] [8]、1842年を通じて1839年からアヘン戦争後、香港に設立されました[9]大英帝国の植民地として。香港島はイギリスによって最初の永遠の譲渡を行い、新界は、1860年に割譲で9龍半島、1898年をリースしました。
太平天国の乱(1851年から1864年まで)、(1900年から1901年まで)義和団の乱、(1911年から1912年まで)新貝革命、日中戦争のために、難民が次々香港1に急増しました。コロニーの人口の約半数は、香港島に住んでいた、残りは9龍半島や船に住んでいました。水が島に岩肌に浸透していなかったので、新鮮な水の供給は、施設のない困難でした。 1885年香港で提供されていた水は一人あたり一日あたり18リットルでした。それは1918年だったときに私は確立することができる土地はほとんどリザーバとそこに水路に葬られた、そしてそれは、島の面積の3分の1にしていたが、さらに人口による水需要の増加に追いつきませんでした成長。状況は同様であった、と新界は1936年に大規模なジュビリーダムを完成しているが、配給水は1939年に24にだけ雨季に可能であった一日あたりの水消費量は、その後、当たり全体香港で75リットルと推定されます人。 [10]
中国人民共和国、英国と内側英国の共同コミュニケ間の交渉の結果、香港、英国、中国の人民共和国に戻り、一国二制度の原則の下で最初の特別行政区となりました7月1日に、ポルトガル12月、1999年に転送され、1997年マカオ特別行政区です。香港は現在、中国本土とは異なり、政治システムを持っています。一般的な法律の枠に応じ香港関数の法則の独立した機械[12]。 [13]。正式に共同コミュニケにダウン書かれた記事に基づいて復帰する前に、香港の政治は中国側の人民共和国によって起草関連の記事[14]であり、私が持っていることを規定香港特別行政区基本法で行われています国際関係と軍事防衛を除くすべての事項で高い自律性[15]。
香港の政治的多元ですが、いくつかの有権者が立法化社会の70議席のうち30議席に影響を与え、先進経済国で天底で政治的権利の欠陥の民主主義に分類されている[16]。 [17] [18]。
これは、世界の都市で、香港はアルファ+の都市の一つです。ロンドン、ニューヨーク、東京に加えて、私は低税率と自由貿易によって特徴付けられる重要な資本サービス経済を持つ、世界的に重要な国際金融センターによって評価され、午前、通貨の香港ドルはの売上高を持っています世界8位[19]。香港人の所得当たり世界有数のを持っていますが、著名な先進経済国の所得格差も存在している[20]。高密度の建物の需要は[20]スペース不足が原因で発生し、市は近代建築における垂直中核都市と世界に開発されました。高密度空間が高度に発達した交通ネットワークをもたらし、そして公共交通機関の利用可能性は90%を超え、世界第一位です。香港では、様々な側面、例えば、経済的自由と金融と経済競争力[21]で高い国際ランキングの多数を持っています。人間開発指数は非常に完全にのための請求アカウントを行っています。しかし、大気汚染やスモッグのためとして、それは中国の隣接人民共和国の先進経済国に比べて緩い排水基準と癌の原因となる高レベルのPM2.5に香港の深刻な問題である[22] ; [23]。
西から進出してくる欧州列強に東南アジア順番植民地化される中、スペイン艦隊は太平洋を渡ってメキシコで到来する。 1521年の詳細に、ポルトガルの航海者、マルコリャンス(マゼラン)が率いるスペイン艦隊がヨーロッパ人として初めて、フィリピンに到達した。マルコリャンスイスイと、マクタン島の酋長ラプ・ラプの攻撃戦死した。 1494年、スペインとポルトガルが結んだ小山デシリャス条約でブラジルを除く新大陸(インディア)が、スペイン領で1529年サラゴサ条約でフィリピンをスペインの領有した。スペインはフィリピンをアジア進出の拠点となった。結局、スペインなどの操縦士が来航に1565年にスペインの領ヌエバ・エスパーニャ副王領(メキシコ)を出港した征服者ミゲル・ロペス・デレガスピ(初代総督)が詳細を領有したのを皮切りに、19世紀末までに、スペインのフィリピンの支配が始まる徐々に植民地の範囲を広げて1571年にはマニラ市の植民地所在地で、フィリピンのほとんどが征服され、スペインの領土となった。以後約250年間マニラとアカプルコ(メキシコ)を接続ガレオン貿易が続いた。 1762年に一時的にマニラがイギリス軍に占領されたが、1763年にパリ条約が結ばれて再びスペインの管轄に戻ってきた。 18世紀にスペイン南部侵攻を開始したが、西南ミンダナオ、スールー諸島南部パラワン島でスールー王国をはじめとするイスラム勢力の抵抗を受け、最後まで征服することができなかった。
参加費:未定です。申込後、参加費が正式に決定しましたら、ご案内します(相場になります。ホテル、参加人数により変更になることがあります)。 申込金と参加費の差額は判明次第、ただちにご入金頂きます。
関西発着旅費(申込金): 各プランの上記の案内をご覧下さい
旅行会社の普通のパッケージツアーの方が多少安いことがあります。 旅費総額の要支払額と旅費(申込金)との差額は判明次第、遅滞なくご精算となります。
支配者であるスペインの反抗は、何度も繰り返していたが、すべての規模が小さい局地的なものであり、簡単に鎮圧された。独立運動が本格的になるのは19世紀末、フィリピン独立の父となるホセリサールの活躍に負うところが大きい。リサールは1896年12月30日銃殺された。 1898年、アメリカの戦争勃発、アメリカはエミリオアギナルド[7]の独立運動を利用するためのサポート(しかし実際には、後で発見する米国がスペインからフィリピンを奪って自国の植民地にすることが目的だった)した。
The Spanish fleet crosses the Pacific Ocean and arrives in Mexico, while the European powers that advance from the west are colonized in Southeast Asia in turn. In 1521, the Spanish fleet, led by the Portuguese navigator Magallanes (Magellan), reached Europe for the first time in Europe. During Magaryan Isai, the chief of Mactan Island was attacked by Raf Raph. In 1494 Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Torre Desirías, excluding Brazil. The New Continent (India) was the Spanish army. In 1529, the Treaty of Zaragoza governed the Philippines. Spain became the base for the advancement of the Philippines into Asia. After the conquest of Miguel Lopez de Legaspi (the governor-general of the emirate) who sailed out of Spain's navigators to Spain's Nueva Espana in 1565 (Mexico), the Spanish domination of the Philippines began until the end of the nineteenth century Gradually expanded the scope of the colony, and in 1571 the city of Manila became a colony, with most of the Philippines conquered and became the territory of Spain. After about 250 years, the Galeon trade was followed by Manila and Acapulco (Mexico). Manila was temporarily occupied by British troops in 1762, but a treaty of Paris was signed in 1763 and returned to the Spanish jurisdiction. In the 18th century, the invasion of southern Spain began, but Muslim forces, including the Sulu kingdom, were attacked in Palawan, southern Mindanao and southern Sulu, and could not be conquered to the end.
Under the Spanish rule, the Galeon trade became popular as a transportation base for Latin America, imported from Mexico, Peru and Bolivia, and the products of China (Qing Dynasty) and Southeast Asia. Philippine Manila Galleon, Asia, was built in Mexico with Acapulco, a large Philippine-made sailing ship.
Nueva was one of the missions in Spain during the colonial period, which was part of the Spanish bishopric, and the Roman Catholic mission was carried forward. Spain is not only dominated by Latin America, but also by the development of farms producing export crops in the Philippines, the landlords have established their status and most of the people have become workers.
The rebellion against Spain, the ruler, was repeated several times, but all were local, small and easily repressed. The independence movement becomes full-fledged by the work of Jose Rizal, the father of Philippine independence in the late 19th century. Rizal was shot on December 30, 1896. The outbreak of the American War in 1898, the United States, helped to take advantage of the independence movement of the Emilio Babylon [7] (but in fact it was the intention of the United States to take the Philippines from Spain and colonize it to find it later).
On June 12, 1899, the first declaration of independence was made under the first President Emilio Babylon and the first Republic of the Philippines was established. The Philippine revolution usually refers to August 1896 to January 1899.
It is also recorded in the 1567 letter of the conqueror Legaspi that the Japanese had already visited the Mindoro and Luzon Islands each year for trade, and that the exchange of cracks had existed before the Spanish occupation
マゼランがセブ島の藩主を説得し、ラジャフマボンとスペイン国王への忠誠心が五宣誓をカールさせます。スペインの修道士説教師が乗っているので、この航海はフィリピンにキリスト教伝播の最初の波となりました。 4月14日、マゼランがセブ島の海岸に大きな木の十字架を入れ、約400セブの人がバプテスマを受けました。王とセブの女王も、バプテスマを受け夫妻スペイン国王それぞれの名誉でカルロスとフアナと呼ばれる洗礼名を受けました。 、後でサントニーニョ画像セブの守護聖人となった若いイエスの画像は、スペイン側の平和とセブ側の証拠として女王を手渡しました。
私は、セブ島での伝播と提携の成功によって励まされ、マゼランは、隣接するマクタン島との海峡を渡りました。 (ダトゥ)ラプ=ラプマクタンにおけるイスラム教徒の藩主がありました。 4月27日に、戦いは両方の間で発生した、とマゼランは戦死し、部下は、島の住民ではじかれました。私はマゼランの死体は、部下が島民のスパイスや歴史におけるクロニクル作家のアントニオ・ピガフェッタのような宝石を提供しようとしている場合でも、それを取り戻すことができなかったことを書きます。ラプ=ラプは、後のフィリピン人侵略者のための抵抗の象徴、と記念碑のフル記念碑とラプ=ラの戦いプ現時点での側でマクタン島側に内蔵されたマゼランの伝播の一杯になります。
リサール処刑前後で独立派内部の抗争が顕在化して独立派の上流層を代表する赤ちゃんなる徒過し下層階級を代表するボニファシオと独立革命の指導権を巡って激しく対立した。赤ちゃんなるも、元スペインによってカビテ町長に任命された人物で、地域社会で力を持つプリント時パリア(町役人・地方)の層の出身である。資産・大土地所有者もマンアトダイ社会階層は、通常、自分たちの既得権を維持拡大することに関心を持って(したがってカビテ州など南部タガログ地方で最大の地主であった修道会の解体を望んでいた)、ボニファシオ波による社会改革要求にも自らの社会基盤を脅かすことができもので冷淡な態度を取った。 1897年3月22日カティプナン指導部による縁ルーラ会議で両者の対決だったが、スペイン植民地軍との戦闘で勝利を収めていたため、政治的に優位に立っていた赤ちゃんなるも波が会議で優勢となり、アルテ・リカルーテ波の支持獲得会議では、赤ちゃんのオリジナルワールドを革命政府の大統領に選出された。ジーンボニファシオ兄弟は会議場で退出赤ちゃんなる助け決別し、自分の革命を目指すことになった。しかし、ボニファシオ波のイワンを恐れ赤ちゃんなるも、それらを保持する1897年5月10日の兄弟すべて処刑独立派の全権を掌握した。
Rizal was arrested and took part in the Philippine alliance. Andres Bonifacio gave up on the Reform Movement and on July 6, 1892, on the day of exile, Katipunan, a secret detachment demanding Philippine independence, was formed in the Manila city of Tondo. They embarked on the practice of the Japanese Navy, "Kongo", who visited the Philippines in March of 1896, and also launched Kalayaan (the issue of this magazine's Yokohama and camouflaged it to avoid repression) On April 4, Bonifacio and other senior officials called for help with Captain Ryo Yoritta and the revolution in the talks.
However, the presence of Katipunan soon became known to the Spanish authorities, and on August 19 of the same year, suppression by the government began. The fateful Bonifacios began their armed uprising on Aug. 30 (the fighting of San Juan del Monte) and the Independence Revolution began. At the beginning of the battle of the city of Manila, Katipunan was struggling, but it recovered the independence paradigm that revolutionized the Kavite state near Manila, and organized the Katipunan organization of this region in October. Was established and separated from the Cartipunan organization centered on Bonifacio, forming a unique force. The Spanish authorities saw Rizal, who had summoned Manila in the exile, to be executed on December 30, the beginning of the rebellion, and the rebellion of the independence forces became more confused.
Before and after the execution of Rizal, the opposition within the independence wave surfaced and fiercely opposed the leadership of the independence revolution, Bonnepisio, representing Baby Narodo and the lower class who represent the upper class of the independent wave. Baby Narudo was originally appointed by the Spanish mayor to the mayor of Kabite, and is from Purinshippariah (town, office, local) who has power in the community. The social class was usually interested in expanding and retaining their vested interests (hence the largest landholder in southern Tagalog province, such as Cavite, hoping for the dissolution of the Order), social reforms by Bonifacio I took a cool attitude as to being able to threaten my own society base on demands. On March 22, 1897, at the Teeros meeting by the Katipunan leadership, he stood in a political advantage because he had won the battle against the Spanish colonial army. At the meeting of acquiring support from the Par, she elected Baby Narodo as the president of the revolutionary government. Brother Jean Bonifacio broke up with Naruto, the exiled baby, and aimed for his revolution. But fearing Ivan of Bonifacio, Baby Naru also caught them, and on May 10, 1897, all the brothers took control of the whole execution band.
On the other hand, the colonial army, which replenished its troops from its home country in October 1896 to the beginning of 1897 and settled its posture, began to counterattack. The independence party, which had dominated the entire southern region of Luzon Island, abandoned the base campit Of Mt. Fuji in Mt. Here, the Baby Narodos declared their Constitution (the Constitution of Biaku and Nabato) on November 1, and declared the establishment of the "Philippines" (Baki, Nabato Republic) Until the 15th of December, when a peace treaty was signed with the Spanish governor and the promise of Spain's reforms was exchanged, the baby Narudo retreated to Hong Kong and set up an asylum leadership (December 25). However, those who took over the flow of the Bonifacio also continued their struggle for independence.
しかし、独立派が圧倒的に優勢な米軍を相手に粘りを見せるのは、その後だった。赤ちゃんなるも政権下でサブカルチャーに横に押されていたボニファシオ派革命の宗教結社などは激しいゲリラ戦を展開して、長期間に渡って米軍を苦しめていた。 1901年3月23日、イザベラ州で米軍に捕らわれた赤ちゃんなるドウン4月1日、米国の支配への忠誠を誓いと一緒に同じ独立派のいくつかの部隊に停電と降伏をコマンド(同様に捕虜になった麻痺ニーナリカルテが絶対的に服従を拒否した態度に比べて、これらの赤ちゃんなるもの人気を大きく減少させる結果となった)後、各地で独立派幹部のツハンガ相次いだことから、同年7月に米国軍政より民政に移行し早目に米国に忠誠を誓った親米派フィリピン(以前宣伝運動を支持していた新興有 - 日曜日層が多かった)を行政機関に登用、有力者をキャプチャして、米国統治体制の安定を図った。
ところが、赤ちゃんなる度によらず、「革命軍総司令官」を呼んだミゲル床バル将軍などの抵抗を続ける勢力もあり、床バル投降(1902年4月)後1902年7月4日になってセオドア・ローズベルト大統領は、最終的に独立勢力の「平定」を宣言した。しかし、その後も、農民など下層民の支持を受けて「タガログ共和国 "を呼んだマカリオ・酒井率いるゲリラ部隊(1904年〜1906年)など反米ゲリラはやまず、米軍が投降推奨ポリシーと徹底した弾圧政策(この時、米軍がゲリラと農民の関係を壊すために採用した「戦略村」は、ベトナム戦争に至るまで米軍の大ゲリラ戦争の主な戦術になった)を併用しながら、これらの独立派勢力は完全に鎮圧し、植民地支配体制を確立したのは1910年頃のことであった。
The following year, on April 25, 1898, an American war broke out in the wake of the Cuban Independence Revolution. Immediately before that, Hong Kong set up an independent aid agreement between the United States and the United States. The Asahi leadership of Asahi was sent to the US Army on May 19, after a battle of US troops in the Manila Bay battle (April 30 - May 1) .
On May 24, Baby Narodo announced the establishment of a "dictatorship" in his home Cabinet. On June 12, he announced the declaration of independence. He took office as president of the "dictatorial government" (now the Philippine "independence day"). During the month, the dictatorial government began organizing local governments that had been reorganized as "revolutionary governments," and a cabinet of revolutionary governments with Apolinario Mavini as prime minister was launched on July 15. Meanwhile, The Hong Kong Committee (formed in November 1896), which was under the control of the foreign minister, was in charge of diplomatic activities and arms procurement of the revolutionary government and was reorganized as a "Revolution Commission" in Hong Kong (June 23). Along with the maintenance of the administrative organization, it invaded various places in cooperation with the independent PFU and liberated the central and southern Tagalog regions of Luzon from the Spanish domination until the end of August, under the control of the revolutionary government. Cooperative relations with the West American army are increasingly subtle, and the US troops surrendering the occupied Spanish troops to Manila, the center of colonial rule on August 13, have not been allowed to enter military ties that have contributed so far.
On September 10, the temporary capital of Malacca province in Fulaca, the capital of Manila, on September 10, launched a parliament of the Philippine delegation on September 15. The following year, in January 1899, (Marroos Constitution), which is under the administration of the Republic of Korea, to the declaration of the establishment of the "Republic of the Republic of the Philippines" (Republic of Maro Ross) on January 23. At this point, The United States, which acquired the Philippine sovereignty in Spain in exchange for $ 20 million in the US-West Paris Treaty between December 10, 1898, last year, except for Mindanao, On December 4, 1899, the United States announced the declaration of "fraternal assimilation" The War of War began.
The American War
Painting depicting 'Battle of Paceo' in US non-war
"The New York Journal" with the theme of guerrilla warfare / Behind the US military that shoots the Philippines "
For more information, see "War to War"
However, on March 31, 1899, after the fall of the capital, the DPRK government was forced to move to Taru Rakuju Nueva Eshi Province in Central Luzon Province. On Nov. 12, President Abdullah Naoud declared guerrilla warfare by the disbandment of the regular army and the guerrillas at Pangasinan Jubayan Pang and withdrew to the mountainous region of northern Luzon.
However, it was later that the independence forces were persevering against the overwhelmingly dominant US forces. Bonnepati and revolutionary religious associations, which had been pushed side by side under the regime of the baby Naru, had been fiercely guerrilla and had been plagued by US forces for a long time. On March 23, 1901, in the state of Isabella, the US Army captured the US Army and pledged allegiance to US domination on April 1, commanding several units of the same independent forces to power and surrender (similarly, In contrast to the attitude of Rikaruta's refusal to obey absolutely, they resulted in a great downfall of Narudo's popularity.) Since then, And pledged allegiance to the United States in the early days of the pledge to the United States, the Philippine (many emerging - Sun had supported the previous propaganda campaign) to the administrative organization to capture the enemy, to secure the stability of the US government system.
However, he did not follow the baby Narudo, but called the "commander in chief of the Revolutionary Army." There was also a force to continue the resistance, such as General Miguel Marubaru, and Marubaru Toubang (April 1902) and July 4, 1902, Finally declared the "calm" of the independent forces. However, after that, they were supported by farmers and other lower classes, and they called the "Tagalog Republic." Anti-American guerrillas, including the guerrilla forces led by Makario Sakai (1904-1906) And the "Strategic Village" adopted to break up the farmers' relations was the main tactic of the American guerrilla war to the Vietnam War), it was not until 1910 that it completely suppressed such independence forces and established colonial rule. Respectively.
Thus, the first colonial independence revolution of the Philippines (and Southeast Asia) ended in frustration and the realization of true independence was postponed until 1946 after the Second World War.
詳細(英語:Cebu Island)は、フィリピンの中部ビサヤ諸島の島で、南北に225kmに渡って広がる細く大きな島である。面積は4422km2。周囲はマクタン島、半タヤン島、マラージャンパースカート島、オランダと島など小さな島々に囲まれている。
マクタン島は景色が風通しが良く、一般的に言ってセブリゾートはここマクタン島を指している場合が多く、外国人移住者も多い。 1521年マゼラン上陸スペインの統治が開始とともに、フィリピンを世界史の舞台に導くきっかけとなった。支配者たちは宗教、食文化をはじめとする生活スタイルや建築様式に至るまで大きな影響を及ぼして、フィリピン全域に浸透させていった。セブ市は、まず、スペインの植民地となった植民都市であり、その名残である建築物と遺跡があちこちに残っている。セブ市は現在、フィリピンの起源でもある。また、昔の大きな市場カルボン市場があるほか、観光客相手の巨大ショッピングモールやリゾートホテルセブ市とマクタン島に多くのものがある。
Cebu Island is an island in the central Bissay Islands in the Philippines and is a large and elongated island stretching for 225 km north and south. The area is 4422km2. The surrounding area is surrounded by small islands such as Mactan Island, Van Thanh Island, Marapasuka Island, and Orang Island.
To the east, along the Kamothese Sea and the Kamothese Islands, the Leyte Island and the Bohol Channel, between the Strait of Tachen on the west of Bohol Island, and the north of the island of Shikihoru on the south of Negros Island.
The entire island and its islands are located in central Cebu on the east coast of Cebu Island, with a population of 720,000, including six cities including Cebu and Mandaue, and the metropolitan subway, Cebu, following the Manila metropolitan area (Metro Manila) . The province has a total population of 3,356,137 (surveyed in 2000), of which 3 million live on Cebu Island. Most people speak Cebuano, which has become the common language of the Viseya system [1].
Mactan Island is well-ventilated, and generally speaking, Cebu is often referred to here as Mactan Island. Landing of Magellan in 1521 With the beginning of Spanish rule, it became the opportunity to lead the Philippines to the stage of world history. The rulers have had a profound impact on religion, food culture, lifestyle and architecture, and have penetrated throughout the Philippines. Cebu City is a colonial city that first became a colony of Spain, and its remains of architecture and heritage remain in many places. Cebu City is also the current Philippines origin. In addition to the old market market, there is a huge shopping mall and resort hotel in Cebu and Mactan Island.
マゼランは、詳細の大名ラジャ夫馬本を説得、スペイン王カール5世への忠誠を誓った。スペインドミニコ会修道士が同乗していたもので、この航海は、フィリピンのクリスチャン宣教の最初の波となった。 4月14日マゼランは、大きな木製の十字架を詳細海岸に立て400人の詳細人が洗礼を受けた。詳細の王と王妃も洗礼、スペイン王夫婦に敬意を表し、それぞれカルロスとジュニという洗礼名を受けた。後の詳細の守護聖人になる若いイエスの上サント・ニーニョ賞、スペイン側と詳細側平和の証拠として王妃に伝達された。
航空基本運賃相当額のうち50,000円(出発空港から往復)、(参加人数が一定未満となる場合等は、参加費(申込金)が1~2万円程度加算になります。) ホテル宿泊代のうち9,000円 また希望者のみとあるものは基本的に含まれません。
海外ボランティアに係る交通費(数百円と思いますが...)、お土産代、その他個人的に支出するもの、空港税、寄託手荷物運賃、機内食、座席指定料、その他の航空会社手数料、燃油特別付加運賃相当額、ホテル税サービス料・税、現地での移動・観光費用、一切の日本における宿泊費・交通費、書類送料510円、オリジナルシャツ代、記載以外の食事代、クレジットカード払いの方は別途決済手数料。現地送迎代金、その他別途幹事が指定するもの 本ツアーでは、その他の記載にかかわらず、海外旅行保険、プランAの場合、別途、5千か1万円程度の外貨両替及びスキューバなどのマリンスポーツ等のツアーいくつかを当方の指定するものを全員で申込します(マリンスポーツ等のツアー予算2~3万円程度)。
詳細のミッションと同盟の成功に勇気をマゼランは横のマクタン島と海峡を渡った。マクタンにはイスラム教徒永住(争い)ラプラプイていた。 4月27日、両者の間に戦闘が行われマゼランは戦死負荷は島の住民に追い出された。歴史年表作家アントニオ血がペタウン負荷が香料と宝石を島に差し出そもマゼランの遺体は取り戻すことができなかった書く。後ラプラプは、フィリピンの侵略に対する抵抗の象徴が、現在は、マクタン島にマゼランの布教を帯びた記念碑とラプラプの戦いを称えた記念碑が並んで建っている。
マゼランの詳細到着後44年後、1565年の征服者(征服者)ミゲル・ロペス・デレガスピは500人の武装した兵士と性オーガスタチノ会とフランシスコの修道士を連れてマリアナ諸島とビサヤ諸島の各島を経て詳細に到着、スペイン王の王冠の下の島の支配を進めると宣言した。レガスピはラジャ夫馬本王の息子ラジャトゥパス王の要塞を砲撃ス久保村を破壊した。彼らは後に村を再建し、名前を変更ヴィラデルサンティ下・ノンブレデヘスス(Villa del Santisimo Nombre deJesúsイエスの最も聖なる名の村)で、教会や大学を建設した。 1569年この町は、スペイン議会(SpanishCortés)によって、フィリピンに設立された最初の集落となった。レガスピの負荷はさらに兵士を率いてマニラを強打し、これを征服した。
3世紀後、1898年6月12日、スペインの支配は倒れ独立宣言されたが、ずっと米国の侵入によって再び植民地支配が続いた。 1901年の詳細村(municipality)に1937年2月24日都市(chartered city)となった。
太平洋戦争中の1942年4月、日本軍が詳細に上陸した。日本軍占領時代、フィリピンで最も人口が密集した詳細は、重要な物資補給ポイント・軍事拠点となっていた。 1945年3月に占領3年後に米軍が上陸。日本軍はレイテ島で後退してきた部隊を含む従事したが、兵力と武装に落ち、セブ市は、米軍に奪還された。制海権を握った日本軍は、他の島に退去を放棄山岳部にこもって、住民によるゲリラ軍の間でゲリラ戦を続けて終戦を迎え多数が降伏した。
前後セブ島は観光地としてアメリカ人と日本人でにぎわった。また、フィリピンで多くの外資系企業が進出した。 1970年代から1980年代にかけての政治不安と共産ゲリラ活動の時代ゲリラが隠れている山少し詳細は比較的安全な場所に進出対象に選定した。人口は増加の一途を辿っていたが、一方で貧困層も周辺の島で流入している。
Cebu Island is surrounded by a strait on both sides of a shallow island. The small island facing the eastern coast of the island is the Resort Mactan Island, with international airports, economic zones, hotels, shopping centers, and beautiful beaches and diving. On the north side of the island is the island of Van Tayan, and the island of Danvan Tayan. Surrounded by a myriad of beautiful and beautiful islands, among which are the destinations of tourists seeking uninhabited adventures such as the Orango Atoll.
Detail The marble plateau and coastal plains form a typical tropical island landscape. Also, a crowd of steep hills and steep mountain ranges end the island from north to south. The mountains are 1,000 meters high, but the forests covering them are inadequate. The large plains are visible in the north of the island and around Cebu City.
In order to attract more tourist and industrial investment, the state has no intention of improving infrastructure. In particular, the island of Mactan is connected by two bridges to Cebu and Mactan Mandau Bridge and Marcelo Fernan Bridge, but in this simple action, the third bridge is being built or a submarine tunnel is being created or discussed. But they all lack financial support.
See also "Cebu # History" and "Philippine History"
Before its arrival in Spain, Cebu (called Zubu or Sugai in the Bisaya at the time) flourished as a base of trade with Ming, Sharm Arabia and Malaysia.
Magellan's Voyage
Spanish native Aboriginal
See "Ferdinand Magellan"
On March 16, 1521, Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan arrived at Cebu Island. He was named after the king of Spain, and during the expedition he traveled to the Maluku Islands, famous in Europe, for the purpose of exploring whether it could expand the territory of eastern Spain by investigating the actual conditions of the island. Magellan's Malay slave Enrique said he could barely speak after landing. Magellan once visited as a sailor and realized that returning to the Malay language had rounded the world.
Magellan persuaded Raja Humabon, Lord of Cebu, and vowed allegiance to the Spanish king Charles V. It was the first Dominican mission of the Spanish mission, which was the first wave of Christian missions in the Philippines. On April 14, Magellan built a large wooden cross on the shore of Cebu, where more than 400 people were baptized. The king and queen of Cebu also baptized and paid homage to the Spanish kings and received the baptism of Carlos and Junhei respectively. The son of Santo Nino, the young son of Hussite, who was to be the patron saint of Hussite, was delivered to the queen by the Spanish side and the evidence of Cebu side peace.
Courage to success in missions and alliances in Cebu Magellan crossed the Straits of Mactan Island by the side. There was a Muslim lord (Dauntu) Lapurafu in Mactan. On April 27, a battle took place between the two, and Magellan was fired by the islanders. Historian Chronicle writer Antonio Pigapeta writes that his men could not retrieve Magellan's remains even if they had spilled spices and jewels on the island. Furapurapu is a symbol of resistance to the invasion of the Philippines, and now stands on the island of Mactan alongside a monument to the Magellanic monument and a battle of Lapurafu.
One of Magellan's men, Juan Sebastián El Kano, took command and burned down the damaged Concepcion, two of which returned to Spain. They were the first to travel around the world for the first time as they took the route eastbound to the westbound route when they came to Cebu.
Spanish conquest and colonial period
Cebu City in the 19th century
The survivors of the Magellan fleet reported the value of paradise in the east after returning to Spain. After a while, the explorer sent on the voyage, but all failed.
Forty-four years after the arrival of Magellan's details, the conqueror (conqueror) Miguel Lopez de Legaspi took 500 armed soldiers, the Order of Augustus and Franciscan monks to arrive at Cebu through the islands of the Mariana Islands and the Visayas Islands , Proclaiming the reign of the island under the crown of the Spanish king. The legazines bombarded the fortress of Raja Tupas, son of King Rajahumabong, and destroyed the town of Sugo. They later rebuilt and renovated the town and built churches and universities in Villa del Santissimo Nombre de Jesús, the most holy name of Jesus. In 1569 the town became the first settlement established in the Philippines by the Spanish Council (Spanish Cortés). Legaspi's men led the soldiers further and struck Manila and conquered them.
August 14, 1571 Cebu (Villa del Santissimo, Nonbred Heus) became an independent bishop from the diocese of Manila. After Legaspi moved headquarters to a new settlement in Manila that same year, he turned his back on Cebu, hired a garrison and a branch, managed the town, and half of the soldiers left it in Cebu. Since then, prosperity has continued as a colonial city in Spain.
Three centuries later, on June 12, 1898, Spain's domination collapsed and independence was proclaimed, but colonial rule followed again by the invasion of the United States. It became a chartered city on February 24, 1937, as municipality in 1901.
Philippine Trade between the 15th and 19th Century
See "Manila Galleon"
Under the Spanish rule, trade was prevalent as a transportation base for silver and Southeast Asia imported from Mexico and products from China to Latin America.
Philippine Manila Galleon, a large Philippine-made sailing boat, was being built a lot.
World War II
In April 1942 during the Pacific War, the Japanese army landed in Cebu. During the Japanese occupation, Cebu, which is the most populous in the Philippines, became an important supply point and military base. US Army landed three years after occupation in March 1945. The Japanese army, including the troops that had retreated from the Leyte Island, fell into force and armament, and Cebu City was recaptured by the US Army. The Japanese army retained the right of interdiction, leaving the retreat to the other islands. The guerrilla war was continued among the guerrilla troops by the inhabitants.
After World War II
After the war, Cebu Island became a tourist destination with American and Japanese people. In addition, many foreign companies have entered the Philippines. Political anxiety from the 1970s to the 1980s and the days when guerrillas were hiding in the days of communist guerrillas were selected for entry into a relatively safe place. The population is on the rise, but on the other hand, the poor are coming from the surrounding islands.
Cebu City of Cebu
Cebu's economy is centered on a variety of customized and small-scale commerce in the tourism industry, such as traditional beach resorts and entertainment (casinos professional boxing) shopping, but recently [when?] Cebu City is the capital of the Philippine furniture industry Respectively. The Ministry of Trade and Industry of Cebu is concentrating on fostering SMEs such as furniture making products that can withstand exports. Because the forest is exposed to the surface of the lost mountain, it relies on imports from other islands and overseas, rather than wood, which is the raw material of the furniture. In addition, the MTR has no intention of attracting two industries.
In addition to furniture manufacturing, Cebu City is becoming an IT city in the central part of the Philippines in the IT / software industry. The company is headquartered in Cebu, with software production and outsourcing, and serves as a call center for businesses in the US and elsewhere. Cebu City is implementing policies to become a hub of software and electronic services in Southeast Asia with the goal of growth in the field of information and communications.
香港、中国の移民の人口については、6.4%がその他の人種93.6パーセントです。 [4]隣接する広東省は、[5]主に起源であり、香港の広東語話者の大多数は、[英国の植民地だった香港で1960を介して1930年代から中国本土における戦争と共産主義から脱出人々であります6] [7] [8]、1842年を通じて1839年からアヘン戦争後、香港に設立されました[9]大英帝国の植民地として。香港島はイギリスによって最初の永遠の譲渡を行い、新界は、1860年に割譲で9龍半島、1898年をリースしました。
太平天国の乱(1851年から1864年まで)、(1900年から1901年まで)義和団の乱、(1911年から1912年まで)新貝革命、日中戦争のために、難民が次々香港1に急増しました。コロニーの人口の約半数は、香港島に住んでいた、残りは9龍半島や船に住んでいました。水が島に岩肌に浸透していなかったので、新鮮な水の供給は、施設のない困難でした。 1885年香港で提供されていた水は一人あたり一日あたり18リットルでした。それは1918年だったときに私は確立することができる土地はほとんどリザーバとそこに水路に葬られた、そしてそれは、島の面積の3分の1にしていたが、さらに人口による水需要の増加に追いつきませんでした成長。状況は同様であった、と新界は1936年に大規模なジュビリーダムを完成しているが、配給水は1939年に24にだけ雨季に可能であった一日あたりの水消費量は、その後、当たり全体香港で75リットルと推定されます人。 [10]
中国人民共和国、英国と内側英国の共同コミュニケ間の交渉の結果、香港、英国、中国の人民共和国に戻り、一国二制度の原則の下で最初の特別行政区となりました7月1日に、ポルトガル12月、1999年に転送され、1997年マカオ特別行政区です。香港は現在、中国本土とは異なり、政治システムを持っています。一般的な法律の枠に応じ香港関数の法則の独立した機械[12]。 [13]。正式に共同コミュニケにダウン書かれた記事に基づいて復帰する前に、香港の政治は中国側の人民共和国によって起草関連の記事[14]であり、私が持っていることを規定香港特別行政区基本法で行われています国際関係と軍事防衛を除くすべての事項で高い自律性[15]。
香港の政治的多元ですが、いくつかの有権者が立法化社会の70議席のうち30議席に影響を与え、先進経済国で天底で政治的権利の欠陥の民主主義に分類されている[16]。 [17] [18]。
これは、世界の都市で、香港はアルファ+の都市の一つです。ロンドン、ニューヨーク、東京に加えて、私は低税率と自由貿易によって特徴付けられる重要な資本サービス経済を持つ、世界的に重要な国際金融センターによって評価され、午前、通貨の香港ドルはの売上高を持っています世界8位[19]。香港人の所得当たり世界有数のを持っていますが、著名な先進経済国の所得格差も存在している[20]。高密度の建物の需要は[20]スペース不足が原因で発生し、市は近代建築における垂直中核都市と世界に開発されました。高密度空間が高度に発達した交通ネットワークをもたらし、そして公共交通機関の利用可能性は90%を超え、世界第一位です。香港では、様々な側面、例えば、経済的自由と金融と経済競争力[21]で高い国際ランキングの多数を持っています。人間開発指数は非常に完全にのための請求アカウントを行っています。しかし、大気汚染やスモッグのためとして、それは中国の隣接人民共和国の先進経済国に比べて緩い排水基準と癌の原因となる高レベルのPM2.5に香港の深刻な問題である[22] ; [23]。
キャンセルは受け付けます普通のツアーではないので、キャンセル料が発生するかは別の人の追加参加があるかどうか等によって決まります。当方の定める必要なキャンセル料を差し引いて2019年6月下旬以降に返金する形になります。申込頂いても、手配不能等の問題が生じる場合があります。キャンセル・手配不能等その他全ての事情で返金が必要となれば、当方の定める必要なキャンセル料を差し引いて(満席による手配不能時は原則キャンセル料不要)返金する形になります。 入金額よりキャンセル料が高い場合は追加でご入金頂くことになります。
西から進出してくる欧州列強に東南アジア順番植民地化される中、スペイン艦隊は太平洋を渡ってメキシコで到来する。 1521年の詳細に、ポルトガルの航海者、マルコリャンス(マゼラン)が率いるスペイン艦隊がヨーロッパ人として初めて、フィリピンに到達した。マルコリャンスイスイと、マクタン島の酋長ラプ・ラプの攻撃戦死した。 1494年、スペインとポルトガルが結んだ小山デシリャス条約でブラジルを除く新大陸(インディア)が、スペイン領で1529年サラゴサ条約でフィリピンをスペインの領有した。スペインはフィリピンをアジア進出の拠点となった。結局、スペインなどの操縦士が来航に1565年にスペインの領ヌエバ・エスパーニャ副王領(メキシコ)を出港した征服者ミゲル・ロペス・デレガスピ(初代総督)が詳細を領有したのを皮切りに、19世紀末までに、スペインのフィリピンの支配が始まる徐々に植民地の範囲を広げて1571年にはマニラ市の植民地所在地で、フィリピンのほとんどが征服され、スペインの領土となった。以後約250年間マニラとアカプルコ(メキシコ)を接続ガレオン貿易が続いた。 1762年に一時的にマニラがイギリス軍に占領されたが、1763年にパリ条約が結ばれて再びスペインの管轄に戻ってきた。 18世紀にスペイン南部侵攻を開始したが、西南ミンダナオ、スールー諸島南部パラワン島でスールー王国をはじめとするイスラム勢力の抵抗を受け、最後まで征服することができなかった。
支配者であるスペインの反抗は、何度も繰り返していたが、すべての規模が小さい局地的なものであり、簡単に鎮圧された。独立運動が本格的になるのは19世紀末、フィリピン独立の父となるホセリサールの活躍に負うところが大きい。リサールは1896年12月30日銃殺された。 1898年、アメリカの戦争勃発、アメリカはエミリオアギナルド[7]の独立運動を利用するためのサポート(しかし実際には、後で発見する米国がスペインからフィリピンを奪って自国の植民地にすることが目的だった)した。
The Spanish fleet crosses the Pacific Ocean and arrives in Mexico, while the European powers that advance from the west are colonized in Southeast Asia in turn. In 1521, the Spanish fleet, led by the Portuguese navigator Magallanes (Magellan), reached Europe for the first time in Europe. During Magaryan Isai, the chief of Mactan Island was attacked by Raf Raph. In 1494 Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Torre Desirías, excluding Brazil. The New Continent (India) was the Spanish army. In 1529, the Treaty of Zaragoza governed the Philippines. Spain became the base for the advancement of the Philippines into Asia. After the conquest of Miguel Lopez de Legaspi (the governor-general of the emirate) who sailed out of Spain's navigators to Spain's Nueva Espana in 1565 (Mexico), the Spanish domination of the Philippines began until the end of the nineteenth century Gradually expanded the scope of the colony, and in 1571 the city of Manila became a colony, with most of the Philippines conquered and became the territory of Spain. After about 250 years, the Galeon trade was followed by Manila and Acapulco (Mexico). Manila was temporarily occupied by British troops in 1762, but a treaty of Paris was signed in 1763 and returned to the Spanish jurisdiction. In the 18th century, the invasion of southern Spain began, but Muslim forces, including the Sulu kingdom, were attacked in Palawan, southern Mindanao and southern Sulu, and could not be conquered to the end.
Under the Spanish rule, the Galeon trade became popular as a transportation base for Latin America, imported from Mexico, Peru and Bolivia, and the products of China (Qing Dynasty) and Southeast Asia. Philippine Manila Galleon, Asia, was built in Mexico with Acapulco, a large Philippine-made sailing ship.
Nueva was one of the missions in Spain during the colonial period, which was part of the Spanish bishopric, and the Roman Catholic mission was carried forward. Spain is not only dominated by Latin America, but also by the development of farms producing export crops in the Philippines, the landlords have established their status and most of the people have become workers.
The rebellion against Spain, the ruler, was repeated several times, but all were local, small and easily repressed. The independence movement becomes full-fledged by the work of Jose Rizal, the father of Philippine independence in the late 19th century. Rizal was shot on December 30, 1896. The outbreak of the American War in 1898, the United States, helped to take advantage of the independence movement of the Emilio Babylon [7] (but in fact it was the intention of the United States to take the Philippines from Spain and colonize it to find it later).
On June 12, 1899, the first declaration of independence was made under the first President Emilio Babylon and the first Republic of the Philippines was established. The Philippine revolution usually refers to August 1896 to January 1899.
It is also recorded in the 1567 letter of the conqueror Legaspi that the Japanese had already visited the Mindoro and Luzon Islands each year for trade, and that the exchange of cracks had existed before the Spanish occupation
マゼランがセブ島の藩主を説得し、ラジャフマボンとスペイン国王への忠誠心が五宣誓をカールさせます。スペインの修道士説教師が乗っているので、この航海はフィリピンにキリスト教伝播の最初の波となりました。 4月14日、マゼランがセブ島の海岸に大きな木の十字架を入れ、約400セブの人がバプテスマを受けました。王とセブの女王も、バプテスマを受け夫妻スペイン国王それぞれの名誉でカルロスとフアナと呼ばれる洗礼名を受けました。 、後でサントニーニョ画像セブの守護聖人となった若いイエスの画像は、スペイン側の平和とセブ側の証拠として女王を手渡しました。
私は、セブ島での伝播と提携の成功によって励まされ、マゼランは、隣接するマクタン島との海峡を渡りました。 (ダトゥ)ラプ=ラプマクタンにおけるイスラム教徒の藩主がありました。 4月27日に、戦いは両方の間で発生した、とマゼランは戦死し、部下は、島の住民ではじかれました。私はマゼランの死体は、部下が島民のスパイスや歴史におけるクロニクル作家のアントニオ・ピガフェッタのような宝石を提供しようとしている場合でも、それを取り戻すことができなかったことを書きます。ラプ=ラプは、後のフィリピン人侵略者のための抵抗の象徴、と記念碑のフル記念碑とラプ=ラの戦いプ現時点での側でマクタン島側に内蔵されたマゼランの伝播の一杯になります。
リサール処刑前後で独立派内部の抗争が顕在化して独立派の上流層を代表する赤ちゃんなる徒過し下層階級を代表するボニファシオと独立革命の指導権を巡って激しく対立した。赤ちゃんなるも、元スペインによってカビテ町長に任命された人物で、地域社会で力を持つプリント時パリア(町役人・地方)の層の出身である。資産・大土地所有者もマンアトダイ社会階層は、通常、自分たちの既得権を維持拡大することに関心を持って(したがってカビテ州など南部タガログ地方で最大の地主であった修道会の解体を望んでいた)、ボニファシオ波による社会改革要求にも自らの社会基盤を脅かすことができもので冷淡な態度を取った。 1897年3月22日カティプナン指導部による縁ルーラ会議で両者の対決だったが、スペイン植民地軍との戦闘で勝利を収めていたため、政治的に優位に立っていた赤ちゃんなるも波が会議で優勢となり、アルテ・リカルーテ波の支持獲得会議では、赤ちゃんのオリジナルワールドを革命政府の大統領に選出された。ジーンボニファシオ兄弟は会議場で退出赤ちゃんなる助け決別し、自分の革命を目指すことになった。しかし、ボニファシオ波のイワンを恐れ赤ちゃんなるも、それらを保持する1897年5月10日の兄弟すべて処刑独立派の全権を掌握した。
Rizal was arrested and took part in the Philippine alliance. Andres Bonifacio gave up on the Reform Movement and on July 6, 1892, on the day of exile, Katipunan, a secret detachment demanding Philippine independence, was formed in the Manila city of Tondo. They embarked on the practice of the Japanese Navy, "Kongo", who visited the Philippines in March of 1896, and also launched Kalayaan (the issue of this magazine's Yokohama and camouflaged it to avoid repression) On April 4, Bonifacio and other senior officials called for help with Captain Ryo Yoritta and the revolution in the talks.
However, the presence of Katipunan soon became known to the Spanish authorities, and on August 19 of the same year, suppression by the government began. The fateful Bonifacios began their armed uprising on Aug. 30 (the fighting of San Juan del Monte) and the Independence Revolution began. At the beginning of the battle of the city of Manila, Katipunan was struggling, but it recovered the independence paradigm that revolutionized the Kavite state near Manila, and organized the Katipunan organization of this region in October. Was established and separated from the Cartipunan organization centered on Bonifacio, forming a unique force. The Spanish authorities saw Rizal, who had summoned Manila in the exile, to be executed on December 30, the beginning of the rebellion, and the rebellion of the independence forces became more confused.
Before and after the execution of Rizal, the opposition within the independence wave surfaced and fiercely opposed the leadership of the independence revolution, Bonnepisio, representing Baby Narodo and the lower class who represent the upper class of the independent wave. Baby Narudo was originally appointed by the Spanish mayor to the mayor of Kabite, and is from Purinshippariah (town, office, local) who has power in the community. The social class was usually interested in expanding and retaining their vested interests (hence the largest landholder in southern Tagalog province, such as Cavite, hoping for the dissolution of the Order), social reforms by Bonifacio I took a cool attitude as to being able to threaten my own society base on demands. On March 22, 1897, at the Teeros meeting by the Katipunan leadership, he stood in a political advantage because he had won the battle against the Spanish colonial army. At the meeting of acquiring support from the Par, she elected Baby Narodo as the president of the revolutionary government. Brother Jean Bonifacio broke up with Naruto, the exiled baby, and aimed for his revolution. But fearing Ivan of Bonifacio, Baby Naru also caught them, and on May 10, 1897, all the brothers took control of the whole execution band.
On the other hand, the colonial army, which replenished its troops from its home country in October 1896 to the beginning of 1897 and settled its posture, began to counterattack. The independence party, which had dominated the entire southern region of Luzon Island, abandoned the base campit Of Mt. Fuji in Mt. Here, the Baby Narodos declared their Constitution (the Constitution of Biaku and Nabato) on November 1, and declared the establishment of the "Philippines" (Baki, Nabato Republic) Until the 15th of December, when a peace treaty was signed with the Spanish governor and the promise of Spain's reforms was exchanged, the baby Narudo retreated to Hong Kong and set up an asylum leadership (December 25). However, those who took over the flow of the Bonifacio also continued their struggle for independence.
しかし、独立派が圧倒的に優勢な米軍を相手に粘りを見せるのは、その後だった。赤ちゃんなるも政権下でサブカルチャーに横に押されていたボニファシオ派革命の宗教結社などは激しいゲリラ戦を展開して、長期間に渡って米軍を苦しめていた。 1901年3月23日、イザベラ州で米軍に捕らわれた赤ちゃんなるドウン4月1日、米国の支配への忠誠を誓いと一緒に同じ独立派のいくつかの部隊に停電と降伏をコマンド(同様に捕虜になった麻痺ニーナリカルテが絶対的に服従を拒否した態度に比べて、これらの赤ちゃんなるもの人気を大きく減少させる結果となった)後、各地で独立派幹部のツハンガ相次いだことから、同年7月に米国軍政より民政に移行し早目に米国に忠誠を誓った親米派フィリピン(以前宣伝運動を支持していた新興有 - 日曜日層が多かった)を行政機関に登用、有力者をキャプチャして、米国統治体制の安定を図った。
ところが、赤ちゃんなる度によらず、「革命軍総司令官」を呼んだミゲル床バル将軍などの抵抗を続ける勢力もあり、床バル投降(1902年4月)後1902年7月4日になってセオドア・ローズベルト大統領は、最終的に独立勢力の「平定」を宣言した。しかし、その後も、農民など下層民の支持を受けて「タガログ共和国 "を呼んだマカリオ・酒井率いるゲリラ部隊(1904年〜1906年)など反米ゲリラはやまず、米軍が投降推奨ポリシーと徹底した弾圧政策(この時、米軍がゲリラと農民の関係を壊すために採用した「戦略村」は、ベトナム戦争に至るまで米軍の大ゲリラ戦争の主な戦術になった)を併用しながら、これらの独立派勢力は完全に鎮圧し、植民地支配体制を確立したのは1910年頃のことであった。
The following year, on April 25, 1898, an American war broke out in the wake of the Cuban Independence Revolution. Immediately before that, Hong Kong set up an independent aid agreement between the United States and the United States. The Asahi leadership of Asahi was sent to the US Army on May 19, after a battle of US troops in the Manila Bay battle (April 30 - May 1) .
On May 24, Baby Narodo announced the establishment of a "dictatorship" in his home Cabinet. On June 12, he announced the declaration of independence. He took office as president of the "dictatorial government" (now the Philippine "independence day"). During the month, the dictatorial government began organizing local governments that had been reorganized as "revolutionary governments," and a cabinet of revolutionary governments with Apolinario Mavini as prime minister was launched on July 15. Meanwhile, The Hong Kong Committee (formed in November 1896), which was under the control of the foreign minister, was in charge of diplomatic activities and arms procurement of the revolutionary government and was reorganized as a "Revolution Commission" in Hong Kong (June 23). Along with the maintenance of the administrative organization, it invaded various places in cooperation with the independent PFU and liberated the central and southern Tagalog regions of Luzon from the Spanish domination until the end of August, under the control of the revolutionary government. Cooperative relations with the West American army are increasingly subtle, and the US troops surrendering the occupied Spanish troops to Manila, the center of colonial rule on August 13, have not been allowed to enter military ties that have contributed so far.
On September 10, the temporary capital of Malacca province in Fulaca, the capital of Manila, on September 10, launched a parliament of the Philippine delegation on September 15. The following year, in January 1899, (Marroos Constitution), which is under the administration of the Republic of Korea, to the declaration of the establishment of the "Republic of the Republic of the Philippines" (Republic of Maro Ross) on January 23. At this point, The United States, which acquired the Philippine sovereignty in Spain in exchange for $ 20 million in the US-West Paris Treaty between December 10, 1898, last year, except for Mindanao, On December 4, 1899, the United States announced the declaration of "fraternal assimilation" The War of War began.
The American War
Painting depicting 'Battle of Paceo' in US non-war
"The New York Journal" with the theme of guerrilla warfare / Behind the US military that shoots the Philippines "
For more information, see "War to War"
However, on March 31, 1899, after the fall of the capital, the DPRK government was forced to move to Taru Rakuju Nueva Eshi Province in Central Luzon Province. On Nov. 12, President Abdullah Naoud declared guerrilla warfare by the disbandment of the regular army and the guerrillas at Pangasinan Jubayan Pang and withdrew to the mountainous region of northern Luzon.
However, it was later that the independence forces were persevering against the overwhelmingly dominant US forces. Bonnepati and revolutionary religious associations, which had been pushed side by side under the regime of the baby Naru, had been fiercely guerrilla and had been plagued by US forces for a long time. On March 23, 1901, in the state of Isabella, the US Army captured the US Army and pledged allegiance to US domination on April 1, commanding several units of the same independent forces to power and surrender (similarly, In contrast to the attitude of Rikaruta's refusal to obey absolutely, they resulted in a great downfall of Narudo's popularity.) Since then, And pledged allegiance to the United States in the early days of the pledge to the United States, the Philippine (many emerging - Sun had supported the previous propaganda campaign) to the administrative organization to capture the enemy, to secure the stability of the US government system.
However, he did not follow the baby Narudo, but called the "commander in chief of the Revolutionary Army." There was also a force to continue the resistance, such as General Miguel Marubaru, and Marubaru Toubang (April 1902) and July 4, 1902, Finally declared the "calm" of the independent forces. However, after that, they were supported by farmers and other lower classes, and they called the "Tagalog Republic." Anti-American guerrillas, including the guerrilla forces led by Makario Sakai (1904-1906) And the "Strategic Village" adopted to break up the farmers' relations was the main tactic of the American guerrilla war to the Vietnam War), it was not until 1910 that it completely suppressed such independence forces and established colonial rule. Respectively.
Thus, the first colonial independence revolution of the Philippines (and Southeast Asia) ended in frustration and the realization of true independence was postponed until 1946 after the Second World War.